Female Workshop

Mystery of the Sacred Sands  

Nov 26 - 6 Dec, 2024

June 1 - 14, 2025

Private Visits: Jan/March/Apr 2025


We’ve prepared two powerful trips for you this year. As our experience shows, it's essential to travel with the right intentions when visiting a land as mysterious as Egypt

While many trips are offered to Egypt with various purposes, our goal is unique—we aim to gather women who are ready to discover their inner power.

We want to reveal the mysteries of this Golden Land and the profound strength it holds.

Our experience in bringing groups of women to Egypt consistently shows that they always find what they've been searching for. The outcome is always profound—leading to deep personal realizations.

In these places of power, we learn about ourselves, reconnect with the ability to work with energies, and rediscover how to integrate this wisdom into our daily lives.

Two different Programs:

Nov 26 - 6 Dec, 2024

North Egypt

In November, we will explore:

- The Great Pyramids in Cairo

- Serapheum in Saqqara

- Siwa Oasis, where we’ll work with the powerful Oracle Temple—a place visited by Alexander the Great 

- Alexandria, where we’ll explore its Museum and Citadel of Qaitbay, catacobs 

- Faiyum to see Wadi Al-Hitan, a valley rich with ancient whale fossils.

Between these visits, we will practice yoga, meditation, breathing, bodywork  and female empowerment exercises to deepen our connection with the land and ourselves.

June 1-14, 2025

South Egypt

In June, we will explore:

- Luxor, once known as Thebes, where we will visit:

- Karnak Temple

- The Deir El-Shelwit Temple dedicated to Isis

- Dendera 

- Tomb of Ay in the Valley of the Kings.

From there, we will move to Aswan, with stops at 

- Esna Temple of Khnum )

- Edfu Temple of Horus, 

- Kom Ombo ( Temple of Sobek )

- Philae Temple ( Temple of Isis and Osiris and Horus )

- Abu Simbel ( Amun Ra, Ra Horakhty, Ptah )

How did we begin bringing groups to Egypt? 

It’s a long story, spanning many years of self-practice and dedicated work. Before we started organizing trips, we spent years studying Egypt from various perspectives—exploring sacred geometry, practicing Merkabah meditation, and understanding the chakra system in relation to this powerful land.

$ 2400 /early bird
After October 1, 2024, the investment will increase to $2,650. Don’t miss your chance to secure your spot at the current rate! 

Please contact us, email serafimadi@yahoo.com

We do not accept any payments before conducting a brief interview with each participant. Please send us a form with your questions so we can arrange this step. Currently, we have space for only 12 women in our upcoming programs.

The tuition for the Egypt study tour includes:

 - Accommodation in every city we stay, breakfasts

 - Tickets for all temples visits.

 - Yoga practices to enhance your mind-body connection.

 - Meditation classes to cultivate inner peace and mindfulness.

 - Bodywork workshops to promote relaxation and well-being.

 - Private Consultations

 Please note that the tuition does not include: visa upon arrival- $25airfare, the optional balloon ride, and insurance.

About your Guides

Serafima Di

Founder/Owner of the Conscious Body School

For several years, Serafima has been bringing students to Egypt for self-realization and focused studies on female empowerment.

Serafima Di chose her path as a practitioner of body practices over fifteen years ago. For her, Conscious Touch has become one of the most valuable earthly experiences.

Currently, Serafima heads the School of Body Practices "Art of the Conscious Body" in Russia and the USA. Her classes on body therapy and women's practices span across the globe, including countries such as Ireland, Egypt, Indonesia, and Thailand.

Lilit Nuar

Founder of Soma Art School

Mystic, yoga practitioner, guide of shamanic ceremonies, creator of transformational retreats and journeys, body shaman.

Master of sacred singing and dance.


"Egypt became a journey deep within myself. Thanks to the wonderful and experienced guides, it was not just a tourist trip, but truly a revitalizing and restorative process. Many practices, many developmental processes, and constant contemplation and self-awareness. The locations were perfectly chosen—energetically powerful ancient places where you can work and that simply bring joy to the soul.

The group work was handled with great sensitivity, both as a whole and with each individual participant. After this journey, I didn't just take away beautiful views, but also the transformations that were set in motion by the guides. It was truly a profound experience that I remember warmly."

- Maria

"This journey to Egypt was incredible. I ask myself how it is that, despite visiting these same places before, I never saw the essence. I didn’t feel the power, the energy preserved in the ancient sands. This trip made it all so clear—I embraced eternity, felt the vastness of time. And, of course, I found my people, with whom I can simply be silent and understand everything without words.

Thank you to Lilit, Serafima, Roman, and their team in Egypt for reopening these fascinating places for us, for the rich and engaging program, and for bringing together such a wonderful group where it was comfortable to be throughout the entire journey. This trip will continue to unpack new and long-dormant aspects within me, as these kinds of journeys often awaken much."

- Irina

"This journey was not about rest. It was about inner work, learning to communicate with the space around you, and finding what is valuable and meaningful for yourself.

The Women's Circle was a tremendous help. At times, it felt like entering an unknown, subtle realm.

Lilit and Serafima are sensitive and knowledgeable guides who clearly know their craft. There was a soft yet clear direction felt in how they led all of us on this pilgrimage.

Egypt with them is pure magic."

- Anastasia 

Our previous Female Egypt Study tours

You can find more answers about your trip here...

You can’t stay any closer to the Great Pyramid than this. Our lodging will be at The Gate Pyramid Hotel, located just a 1-minute walk from the entrance to the Great Giza site. 

Our hotel in Cairo has double rooms provided for us, It is based right on the Giza plato in the middle of Cairo, double rooms are small but has everyitng you need in it. AC is provided also. That hotel has 4 lux rooms which if you want to live in we need to book it for you before your arrival for extra charge. 

Our stay will be in one of the historical sites of Siwa Oasis. The hotel, built from clay and salt in traditional Siwan style, offers an earthy and grounded atmosphere that truly reflects the spirit of the city.
TRANSPORTATION between cities? 

For our November trip, we will have long-distance bus travel to the following locations:

* Alexandria: 3 hours from Cairo

* Fayum: 1.5 hours from Cairo

* Siwa: 8 hours from Cairo

For these long trips, please be prepared mentally, physically, and spiritually. Make sure you have everything you need, such as your own snacks, water, and a pillow.

During these long rides, we cannot guarantee long stops for food or breakfast (perhaps only a brief 5-minute stop at a gas station). We cannot interrupt the bus driver's schedule, and since we will be driving through the desert with their own schedule of arrival.

One of the most important parts of our journey.

We are going to have very early morning yoga practices, sometimes starting around 4-4:30 AM. Please ensure you have a YOGA mat with you (on Amazon you can get a travel yoga mat - it is light and easy to travel with).

After yoga, you will have breakfast.

Usually, our practices, meals, and bus travel are very close to each other in timing. Please be sure you are on time, as it is a courtesy to the group and drivers.

Evening practices: We usually work with chakra meditations, female energies, and partner work. Please ensure you participate, as we create a collective energy (Egregor) and need your support. If you feel that you cannot participate on any given day, please let us know in advance.


Breakfast is provided by the hotels in the morning (exact time will be shared in the group chat).

Other meals, such as dinner, are not provided.

Please be sure to drink plenty of water. All hotels will happily provide as much water as you need; just let the front desk know.

We can advise you that the approximate price for dinner is around $8-12.


During our trips, we have special individuals working with us who are not employees, but over the years, we have developed close and warm relationships with them. Please pay close attention to any advice they give you.

Please do not go outside of the hotels alone. We recommend this not because it is unsafe, but because we will mostly be in desert areas (besides Cairo).


Please be aware that you are in a Muslim country, it is important to respect their culture and their religious belief, which might contradict your own belief system. Please be kind and do not put anyone in any situation that will feel unwelome and offensive.